Veolia Group
  • Foundation
  • Institute
  • Up to Us
In the world
  • Africa - Middle East
    • Africa
    • Middle East
    • Morocco
  • Asia
    • Greater China
      • Mainland China
      • Hong Kong SAR & Macau SAR
      • Taiwan
    • India
    • Japan
    • South Korea
    • Southeast Asia
  • Australia and New Zealand
    • Australia and New Zealand
  • Europe
    • Belgium
    • Bulgaria
    • Czech Republic
    • France
    • Finland
    • Germany
    • Hungary
    • Ireland
    • Italy
    • Netherlands
    • Poland
    • Portugal
    • Romania
    • Slovakia
    • Spain
    • Ukraine
    • United Kingdom
  • Latin America
    • Argentina
    • Brazil
    • Chile
    • Colombia
    • Ecuador
    • Mexico
    • Perú
  • North America
    • Canada
    • United States
Specialty Brands
  • Air Quality
  • Industries Global Solutions
  • Nuclear Solutions
  • OFIS
  • Sarpi
  • SEDE
    • SEDE
    • SEDE Benelux
  • Seureca
  • Water Technologies





Отворени сме към света и към другите.

Знаем как да се обединяваме и подкрепяме, така че да гарантираме успеха на проектите си.

Виждаме света не просто какъвто е, а какъвто трябва да бъде. 
Там, където останалите намират проблеми, ние виждаме иновативни решения.
        Не спираме да търсим!         
Винаги искаме да отидем отвъд познатите граници - да откриваме, осъвършенстваме и опитваме нови неща.


                                Възобновяваме световните ресурси                                     

Хората трябва напълно да преосмислят отношението си към природните ресурси. Трябва да открият нов, по-балансиран и устойчив икономически и социален модел на развитие. Каква е нашата мисия? Да подпомогнем преминаването към кръгова икономика и да предлагаме новаторски решения, които улесняват достъпа до природните ресурси, като същевременно ги пазят и обновяват. Навсякъде и по целия свят.

Нашите бизнес линии





Ние сме 168 800 Resourcer-и по цял свят




Are you a Resourcer?

At Veolia, we like to move beyond first impressions, imagine solutions where others see problems. We all share a common mind-set: we are optimistic, we never give up and we move forward together. And you?

Question 1/5The Paris Agreement concluded at COP21 aims to limit the global temperature rise to 2⁰C by the end of the century. In your opinion:

Question 2/5Do you think it's possible to recover wastewater for use as drinking water?

Question 3/5What do you think about the idea of using waste heat from data centers to heat a neighbourhood?

Question 4/5If you were told that Veolia is working with startups on experiments to raise insect larvae on waste and transform them into animal protein, how would you react?

Question 5/5What's your motto?

Your answers are mostly

Résultat optimist Résultat optimist Résultat optimist

Bravo, you're always optimistic, just ike the Resourcers!

Resourcers are optimistic. They view the world from a different perspective. They see how it could be, not just how it is. They turn problems into opportunities and develop innovative solutions to meet the challenges around them.

Job offers

Your answers are mostly

Résultat relentless Résultat relentless Résultat relentless

Bravo, you never give up, just ike the Resourcers!

Resourcers never give up. They are tenacious, determines and commited. They keep going until they find a solution. When Resourcers take action, they do more than just scratch the surface - they try new things and find ingenious solutions.

Job offers

Your answers are mostly

Résultat team Résultat team Résultat team

Bravo, you move forward together just like the Resourcers!

Resourcers always work together. They are open to the world and to others. They don't hesitate to include everyone around them whi will help make their project a success. Their ability to bring people together enables them to form strong, united communities.

Job offers

168 000 Resourcer-и
в 45 държави

100 милиона души,
с осигурен достъп
до питейна вода

45 милиона тона
преработени отпадъци

Произведени 44
милиона MWh енергия