We provide reliable, high quality and timely technical services
24-hour emergency teams (24/7)
How can we help you?
Veolia makes maintenance and operation tangible and will convince you that they are valuable and contribute to the realization of your business objectives. You will see maintenance and operation as an added value that contributes to your business objectives without maintenance being a nuisance to your primary process. We keep this in mind constantly to find the optimal balance between availability, costs and the risks with regard to the continuity of your primary business process.
The success of your business depends on the continuity of your technical assets. The availability of your installations is essential for the productivity of your organization. Cost control over the entire lifetime of the assets is from utmost importance. Veolia Building Management specializes in the management and maintenance of all building-related installations.
How do we create value for you?
We assure you a safe, healthy and comfortable working and living environment and inspect, test and monitor your installations in accordance with the latest legislation and regulations.
Improve occupants’ safety and comfort
Optimize the energy bill and reduce the cost of operation
Improve facilities, so that they adapt to real needs and technical, sanitary and environmental regulations
Ensure continuity of operation
Reduce operational costs related to building maintenance
Preserving the environment
Simplify the service, providing a unique partner for the management of the services related to the building
Guarantee of 24/7 maintenance and operation

…finding the optimal balance between availability, costs and the risks with regard to the continuity of your primary business process